Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture

The Institute performs the administration and carries out some other administrative activities, expert and testing tasks and control and monitoring activities in accordance with special acts in the areas of plant variety testing, feedingstuffs, agrochemical testing of soils, soils and plant nutrition, seeds and seedlings of the grown plants, perennial plants (viniculture and hops), protection against harmful organisms and plant protection.

National Listing of Plant Varieties

National Listing is a legal requirement for new varieties of the main agricultural species which seeks to ensure that no new variety can be marketed unless it is genuinely new and an improvement on varieties already being sold.

National Listing is a legal requirement for the marketing of seed and plant material of varieties of agricultural plant species, vine, hop and vegetables.

For farmers and other users of plant varieties, the National Listing is a guarantee of value for cultivation and use (VCU), the quality of the planting material, and also a guarantee that the variety is not dangerous to human health, animals, plants or the environment.

National Listing Records

Postal Addresses & Filling Rooms
ÚKZÚZ, Národní odrůdový úřad, Oddělení správní
Hroznová 63/2
603 00 Brno
Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 543 548 237, +420 543 548 222, 
E-mail: podatelna@ukzuz.cz


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