Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture

The Institute performs the administration and carries out some other administrative activities, expert and testing tasks and control and monitoring activities in accordance with special acts in the areas of plant variety testing, feedingstuffs, agrochemical testing of soils, soils and plant nutrition, seeds and seedlings of the grown plants, perennial plants (viniculture and hops), protection against harmful organisms and plant protection.

Fertilizers Notification

Information resources

Application forms

Whole procedure of fertilizers notification is carried out in Czech - form in English below is illustrative

Places of filing

 ÚKZÚZ - Oddělení hnojiv
Za Opravnou 4, 150 06 Praha 5-Motol


Notification of fertilizers

Notification of substrates

Information about notification

Notified fertilizers may be placed on the market by the notifier with the written consent of the Institute. If the notifier has not received such consent within 30 days of the date on which the notification was received by the Institute, nor has it received a prohibition on placing on the market within that period, the Institute shall be deemed to have granted consent. The notification of fertilizers shall be free of charge. The electronic notification form can be downloaded here.

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