odložený obsah

New plan for the protection and fishery of Northern hake, to protect fish and support sustainable fishing

26. 3. 2009
Press release — Prague, March 26 2009, PR CZ PRES - The Presidency will begin discussing a new long-term plan for the protection of Northern hake stock and for the regulation of the fisheries exploiting this stock in April, on the basis of a March proposal for a Regulation submitted by the Commission.

Dairy decline can be solved by demand and restructuring, not new interventions

24. 3. 2009
Press release — Prague, March 23 2009, PR CZ PRES - The long-term decline in the milk market has been accompanied by an intensive search for instruments that would help EU farmers overcome this difficult period. The latest step is to increase butter intervention purchases – but these instruments have already reached the ceiling.

Presidency helps give animals a better life

24. 3. 2009
Press release — Prague, March 23 2009, PR CZ PRES - The Council conclusions on the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare, which the Czech Presidency prepared in cooperation with the European Commission, was adopted today in Brussels by the Ministers of Agriculture.

Over 1 billion euros to agriculture in crisis – Flexibility to ensure meaningful use

24. 3. 2009
Press release — Brusel, March 23 2009, PR CZ PRES - The impacts of the economic crisis on agriculture, evaluation of the efficiency of measures adopted so far and new proposals to help European farmers through a difficult spell were discussed by the EU Agriculture Ministers lead by Petr Gandalovic.

European foodstuffs win through tradition and quality

13. 3. 2009
Press release — Prague, March 13 2009, PR CZ PRES - Marketing standards that are coherent and simplified, certification schemes and protected designations and indications of foodstuffs – all this is important to consumers and producers alike.

Quality is EU’s competitive edge

12. 3. 2009
Press release — Prague, March 12 2009, PR CZ PRES - Tradition and quality - the main added values of EU food production - are the main topics of the Quality Policy Conference, starting on Thursday in Prague under the aegis of Agriculture Minister Gandalovic and Agriculture and Rural Development Commissioner Fischer Boel.

Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel in Prague

12. 3. 2009
Press release — Prague, March 12 2009, PR CZ PRES - Agriculture and Rural Development Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel is in Prague today and will stay until tomorrow. Together with Czech Agriculture Minister Petr Gandalovic, the Commissioner will open the Quality Policy Conference.

Cormorants take European Parliament by storm

24. 2. 2009
Press release — Prague, February 20 2009, PR CZ PRES - Cormorant was one of the words occurring most frequently during the public hearing in the EP with representatives of the Baltic Region concerning the field of fisheries.

Brussels and Presidency out to save sharks

10. 2. 2009
Press release — Prague, February 10 2009, PR CZ PRES - The Czech Presidency wants to speed up negotiations on the European Commission’s long-awaited breakthrough plan to protect sharks.

Petr Gandalovic introduces the Presidency programme to COPA-COGECA

9. 2. 2009
Press release — Prague, February 9 2009, PR CZ PRES - At the invitation of the COPA-COGECA Praesidium, Czech Minister of Agriculture Petr Gandalovic will introduce the Presidency programme to its members on Thursday 12 February.
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