Petr Gandalovic introduces the Presidency programme to COPA-COGECA

9. 2. 2009

Press release — Prague, February 9 2009, PR CZ PRES - At the invitation of the COPA-COGECA Praesidium, Czech Minister of Agriculture Petr Gandalovic will introduce the Presidency programme to its members on Thursday 12 February.

Tisková zpráva

Press Release

Communiqué de presse

Czech EU presidency

Prague, 9 February 2009


Petr Gandalovic introduces the Presidency programme to COPA-COGECA

At the invitation of the COPA-COGECA Praesidium, Czech Minister of Agriculture Petr Gandalovic will introduce the Presidency programme to its members on Thursday 12 February.

COPA-COGECA is an umbrella association of non-governmental agricultural organisations of the EU27. The Czech Minister in his capacity as President of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council consults this association on positions concerning current as well as strategic issues of the European agricultural sector before each meeting of the Council.
The presentation of the Presidency programme and the discussion with the representatives of COPA-COGECA will take place on Thursday 12 February from 4:30 p.m. in the seat of the organisation, Rue de Trèves 61, Brussels. The debate will continue at the subsequent reception held under the auspices of Czech Ambassador to the EU Milena Vicenová and Minister Petr Gandalovic at the seat of the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU.
COPA-COGECA is an umbrella association of non-governmental agricultural organisations of the EU27. Minister Gandalovic was invited to the regular meeting of the heads of these organisations by the President of the Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations (COPA), Jean-Michel Lemétayer, and the President of the General Confederation of Agricultural Cooperatives (COGECA), Gert van Dijk. 
In September 2008, the Congress of European Farmers adopted a declaration on the objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy beyond 2013. The future form of the Common Agricultural Policy, especially direct payments, is one of the priorities of the Czech Presidency, so the exchange of opinions may provide the Presidency with useful guidance.
COPA-COGECA is the largest and the most influential lobbying association of farmers at EU level, representing 15 million individuals working in the European agricultural sector and acting as an umbrella body for more than 70 organisations from all Member States.


Tereza Dvorácková
Spokeswoman of the Ministry of Agriculture

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