EU chief veterinary officers negotiate in Prague

15. 4. 2009

Press release — Prague, April 15 2009, PR CZ PRES - An informal meeting of the heads of the veterinary administrations of the EU Member States takes place in Prague on 14 – 16 April.

Tisková zpráva

Press Release

Communiqué de presse

Czech EU presidency

Prague, 15 April 2009

EU chief veterinary officers negotiate in Prague

An informal meeting of the heads of the veterinary administrations of the EU Member States takes place in Prague on 14 – 16 April. 

They will address issues such as the conditions for export of milk, dairy products and red meat from EU to the Russian Federation and a proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the health rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumption. Veterinary control is of extreme importance for ensuring safe food of animal origin and for enabling trade, both on the EU market and with third countries.

Among other subjects, the heads of veterinary administrations are discussing the conclusions of the EU-Russia round table on the conditions of trade in milk, dairy products and red meat, held under the Czech Presidency in Prague on 25-26 March. Another major item on the agenda is the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council laying down the health rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumption. This proposal was first discussed by the EU Council Working Group and subsequently by COREPER. The debate in the European Parliament is expected to take place in the second half of April.

The aim of animal welfare is to provide natural and, under the circumstances, optimum living conditions for animals in given settings. At the same time – and in particular during the current economic crisis – animal welfare must be in keeping with the economic perspective which tries to reconcile acceptable criteria and rules of the market. The level of legislation must be also taken into account – it is important to set out, if possible, objective rules and provide for sanctions to ensure their enforceability.

“The Presidency is making an effort to improve the standards of animal protection while taking into account economic and legislative aspects as well as traditions peculiar to different countries and communities which use specific slaughter methods and procedures”, said Czech Agriculture Minister Petr Gandalovič, adding that “one of the achievements of the Czech Presidency in this area has been the drafting and adoption of the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare”. The objective of the Declaration (UDAW) is to encourage third countries to adopt national animal welfare rules. The text was negotiated at multilateral level in March.

“The Presidency has also made a significant step forward as regards the proposal for standards for the protection of animals at slaughter or killing”, said First Deputy Minister Ivo Hlaváč. “There are still a few details and aspects left to be finalised, but the major progress achieved means that we can hope for an early compromise solution”. There is no need to be worried about the traditional Czech pig-slaughtering feast in this context. The proposed changes are in the spirit of time-tested practice of Czech butchers who are sufficiently qualified to meet the new challenges in the field of animal welfare.

The Czech Presidency has also opened up the issue of animals used for scientific purposes. This dossier will be handed over to the next Presidency. Nevertheless the Czech Presidency has negotiated a number of articles and the proposal drafted by Czech experts was well received by the Member States and the European Parliament alike.

Tereza Dvorácková
Spokeswoman of the Ministry of Agriculture

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