Vocational Education

Department of Education deal with issue of education in the field of agriculture, proposes support programmes in the sphere of education, prepares these and ensures their administration.

Takes part in the creation of the National Profession System and compiles a list of regulated professions. Shares in the creation of the National Qualification System and in the creation of content for framework education programmes; the authorising and administrative body for verifying the results of further education; fulfils the role of Accreditation Body for the mutual recognition of qualifications. Ensures preparatory courses for public administration staff taking special qualification examinations (ZOZ). Compiles and evaluates a plan of action for environmental education. Responsible for implementing the Strategy of Lifelong Learning. Manages and coordinates international education programmes and takes part in their implementation. Takes part in evaluating programmes of foreign development cooperation. Ensures the conceptual and methodical management of the National Museum of Agriculture and the activity of the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information in the sphere of education and consultancy.

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